Voter Engagement on Progressive Issues
Our highest priority in every cycle is voter engagement on progressive issues and on behalf of our endorsed candidates: everything from registering voters to knocking on doors, handing out literature, phone and text banking, persuading voters, ending with the final mad rush to Get Out The Vote (GOTV ). We're in it to win it!

Candidate Endorsements
During the election cycle, DPCTB focuses on how to help Progressive candidates get elected. This process starts with endorsements, a rigorous vetting of candidates that choose to apply. In the last cycle, endorsed progressive candidates won a majority of races they entered. To learn more about our endorsement process, please email us.

Monthly Speaker Series and Education
Each month, the caucus invites a speaker or series of speakers to help our community do a deep dive into critical issues that are in the headlines and that directly impact our local communities.
Please join us for our caucus meetings. Caucus meetings are open to the public.
Calls to Action, Resolutions+
Press Releases
Calls to action are designed to get the maximum amount of people involved. Whether it's contacting your representative, joining a local fundraiser or participating in a protest, we are here to make Progress in our community.
DPCTB also holds our elected officials accountable by drafting and issuing press releases and resolutions.

Establishing Relationships & Building Bridges
In political advocacy, our greatest currency is our relationships. We strive to be intersectional and inclusive, invite members and guests to join us for social hours after each monthly meeting and after many volunteer events.
All of the organizations, volunteers, activists and elected officials that help create Progress in Tampa Bay are invited to our annual Friendsgiving, usually hosted in YBOR. We are proud to be involved in our community and thankful for all of you.