Russell Giambrone
Board Member
Russell (Russ) Giambrone (he/him) has been involved in politics ever since volunteering to work on Jerry Brown’s campaign for Governor of California in 1974. Russ was an active supporter of Cesar Chavez and his movement to improve the lives of the many migrant workers in the fields of California. When asked to describe his life, Russ would say he took a “non-traditional” approach to higher learning. He first went through the school of hard knocks and experienced the highs and lows of socioeconomic status that affects the lives of countless individuals. For instance, Russ once lived out of a broken-down car in South Lake Tahoe, California, where he had to sneak into an RV camp to take a shower. From there, he was offered a job by a family member to manage three shopping centers in Georgia and North Carolina - which led him to learning the ins and outs of real estate management, and moved him to Arkansas. He met his wife, Sheila in Arkansas, and they have four children together, who also supported Russ’ dream of getting his college degree as a “non-traditional student.” Russ graduated with his AA Degree from East Central Community College in Liberal Arts in Decatur, Mississippi, and then went on to earn his Bachelor’s Degree in Theological Studies from Saint Joseph’s College of Maine. In 2015, Russ and his family moved to Hillsborough County from the Florida Panhandle. He has been involved in Democratic politics in the area since 2016, when he became a precinct committeeman. Russ proudly worked on the Bernie Sanders campaign and had the honor of being endorsed by his campaign as a delegate. Russ, a founding member of the Caucus, is currently serving his second term as a Board member of DPCTB, his second term as a Board member of the Hillsborough County Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida, and was a past member of the Our Revolution Tampa Bay Steering Committee. Russ looks forward to assisting in turning Florida Blue in 2022 and beyond.