Sharon Graham
Sharon Graham (she/her) is Founder and Executive Director of the Tampa Bay Institute for Music Therapy. She was awarded a Fellowship for the New Leaders Council in 2020 and received the Changemaker Award from the American Music Therapy Association for increasing access to music therapy services for families relying on Medicaid and expanding outpatient services to veterans in Florida.
Sharon is a former Co-Chair for the FL Music Therapy Task Force and past Board Member of the Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay (2021-23). She still actively serves with the Hillsborough County Democratic Executive Committee (HCDEC) as a Precinct Captain, on their Outreach Committee, and as Recording Secretary.
Sharon is excited to serve as President for the DPCTB and believes that the Democratic Party can and should be pushed to the left, with a nuanced and targeted approach to increasing membership and grassroots outreach, progressive elected officials, and ultimately progressive policy that (1) dismantles white supremacy, (2) establishes equity in justice, protection, representation, and opportunity, and (3) improves the lives of all who call the U.S. home (including the BREATHE Act, People First Immigration, Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, fully funded public education from early childhood through college, and a wealth tax with paid family leave).